Construction of Mandalika International Hospital, Equipped with Heliped, Ambulance According to Dorna Sport Standards

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) / the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) have confirmed that the three main projects in NTB are supported by the State Budget (APBN).

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) / the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) have confirmed that the three main projects in NTB are supported by the State Budget (APBN). The three main projects, apart from the Science Technology and Industrial Park (STIP) and the rehabilitation of forests and critical lands, are the continuation of the construction of the Mandalika International Hospital

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The construction of the Mandalika International Hospital is estimated to cost hundreds of billions of funds which have been worked on since 2020. Assistant III of the NTB Regional Secretariat, dr. Nurhandini Eka Dewi, Sp.A., explained that in 2020, Mandalika International Hospital was built with the support of the Ministry of Health’s (Kemenkes) Special Allocation Fund (DAK) of IDR 40 billion. The budget of that size is used for the physical construction of the main building of the Mandalika International Hospital, which has been completed in December 2020.

Then, in 2021, Mandalika International Hospital will receive budget support from the Ministry of Health through a DAK of IDR 51 billion. This IDR 51 billion budget support will be used for the procurement of health equipment (Alkes) Mandalika International Hospital which will support the Mandalika MotoGP event in 2021.

“Hundreds of billions are indeed the budget needed to be completely completed. But the share from the Ministry of Health already exists, amounting to IDR 51 billion this year. For medical supplies only. The rest will be included in the main project in 2022, “Eka confirmed, Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

Eka said that the remaining budget needed to complete the construction of Mandalika International Hospital is around Rp. 17 billion. The budget will be used for landscape development, helipad and other operations.

Kuta Mandalika Lombok

The former Head of the NTB Health Service (Dikes) said that in 2021, NTB had received a budget through the Health DAK of Rp. 51 billion for the procurement of medical equipment for Mandalika International Hospital. However, he did not know whether the budget was cut or not for the handling of Covid-19 by the Central Government.

Eka added, Mandalika International Hospital, apart from being equipped with a helipad. The ambulance used is also at least one class A in accordance with the standards set by Dorna Sport as the organizer of the Mandalika MotoGP.

For class A ambulances, said Eka, the price is indeed billions of rupiah. This is different from an ordinary ambulance, which costs Rp. 250 million per unit. ” For a class A ambulance, it costs billions. And at least one we have, “he said.

Regarding the management of Mandalika International Hospital, Eka said the governor had signed a decree on the institution. And now being drafted together with the Dikes and BKD NTB.

Likewise regarding the health workers who will be on duty there. Eka said, recruitment had been carried out in the CPNS selection some time ago. They are currently still employed at the NTB Regional Hospital. Mandalika International Hospital was built in Sengkol Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok.

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