Lombok Airport Experiences Significant Rise in Passenger Traffic

Lombok Airport, operated by PT Angkasa Pura I, has recently seen a significant increase in passenger traffic, aircraft movements, and cargo volume during the Christmas and New Year holiday period. The 16-day Integrated Air Transport Post, which ran from December 19th to January 3rd, saw a 60% increase in passenger traffic, serving a total of 99,275 passengers during the period. This is a significant rise from the 62,230 passengers during the same period the previous year.

Lombok Airport, operated by PT Angkasa Pura I, has recently seen a significant increase in passenger traffic, aircraft movements, and cargo volume during the Christmas and New Year holiday period. The 16-day Integrated Air Transport Post, which ran from December 19th to January 3rd, saw a 60% increase in passenger traffic, serving a total of 99,275 passengers during the period. This is a significant rise from the 62,230 passengers during the same period the previous year.

Lombok Airport Experiences Significant Rise in Passenger Traffic

The airport also experienced a 50% increase in aircraft movements, from 661 aircraft movements in the last year's Christmas-New Year season to 989 this year. This indicates a steady growth in the airport's capacity and efficiency. Furthermore, the cargo volume rose by 26 percent to 461,888 kilograms in 2022, further demonstrating the airport's capability to handle the growing demand for air transportation services.

AP1 BIL general manager Rahmat Adil Indrawan said that Lombok Airport has also experienced a traffic increase in the aircraft and cargo movement sectors. "Aircraft movements have increased by 50 percent, from 661 aircraft movements in last year's Christmas-New Year season to 989 this year," he said on Wednesday, January 4. He also added that the airport has recorded zero accidents throughout the holiday season, which he attributes to the efforts and hard work of all staff and stakeholders as well as the Lombok Airport community.

Lombok Airport Experiences Significant Rise in Passenger Traffic

This strong performance during the holiday period is also reflected in the airport's overall performance for the year 2022. Lombok International Airport served 1,979,767 passengers, recorded 21,015 aircraft movements, and transported 10,737,867 kilograms of cargo throughout the year. Compared to 2021, passenger traffic increased by 85%, aircraft movement has climbed by 62%, while the cargo volume has increased by 29%.

This steady growth in passenger traffic, aircraft movements, and cargo volume is a testament to the airport's ability to adapt and evolve to meet the growing demand for air transportation services. Lombok Airport has implemented various measures to improve its services and infrastructure, such as upgrading its facilities, increasing the number of flights and destinations, and implementing new technologies to improve operational efficiency.

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Lombok Airport Experiences Significant Rise in Passenger Traffic

In addition, the airport has also been focusing on improving the customer experience by providing better amenities and services. This includes the introduction of new food and retail outlets, as well as the implementation of contactless payment options. The airport has also been working on increasing its capacity to handle more passengers and flights, such as the expansion of its terminal building and the construction of a new runway.

Overall, the airport has made a great effort to be more competitive, customer-centric and responsive to changes in the market trends, for example, by connecting Lombok to more destinations both domestic and international. this has had a positive impact on the island's economy and tourism industry, which is a major source of revenue for the region.

Lombok Airport Experiences Significant Rise in Passenger Traffic

In conclusion, Lombok Airport has seen a remarkable growth in passenger traffic, aircraft movements, and cargo volume in recent months, showing the airport's ability to adapt to the growing demand for air transportation services. This impressive performance is a result of the efforts and hard work of the airport staff and the support of the community, and it will help to position the airport as a major player in the air transportation industry, not only in Indonesia but also in Southeast Asia.

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