New Pre-Investment Visit Visa Simplifies Investment Process for Foreign Investors in Indonesia

The Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration has made a big step forward in attracting foreign investment by launching the Pre-Investment Visit Visa service.

The Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration has made a big step forward in attracting foreign investment by launching the Pre-Investment Visit Visa service. This service allows global business people and foreign investors to evaluate the investment potential in Indonesia before making any investments.

The Sub-coordinator of Public Relations at the immigration agency, Achmad Nur Saleh, stated that the goal of the Pre-Investment Visit Visa is to create a more favorable investment climate for middle to upper-class foreign nationals. The visa enables investors to easily travel to Indonesia and assess business prospects in their desired sector, as well as handle necessary administration with local organizations such as BKPM, lawyers, and notaries.

Pre-Investment Visit Visa

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The Pre-Investment Visit Visa is valid for 180 days and requires a fee of IDR 6,000,000. To apply for the visa, foreign nationals must first register for an account and complete an online form. Payments can be made with a credit or debit card with the Visa, Mastercard, or JCB logo, and the card does not have to be in the applicant's name.

Once the application and payment are processed, the foreign national will receive their visa document via email in electronic form. This new service offered by the Indonesian immigration agency aims to simplify the investment process and make it easier for foreign investors to assess potential business opportunities in Indonesia.

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