Successfully Establishing a Waste Bank, Torok Residents Expect a Visit from the Governor

SUCCESSFUL processing waste into various products independently, the residents of Montong Ajan Village hope that there will be attention from both the district and provincial governments which are currently aggressively with the zero waste program.
Bank sampah torok raya
Ladies from Bank Sampah Torok Raya cleaning the beach

SUCCESSFUL processing waste into various products independently, the residents of Montong Ajan Village hope that there will be attention from both the district and provincial governments which are currently aggressively with the zero waste program. Even residents hope to be visited so that the government can see firsthand the activities of residents in managing waste.

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For most people, garbage is a problem, but this is not the case for the residents of Torok Aik Belek Hamlet, Montong Ajan Village, Praya Barat Daya District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB).

Bank Sampah Torok Raya is the name of a recycling initiative by Torok residents Aik Belek. Every day dozens of residents collect plastic bottles on the coast and settlements. The results are then taken to warehouse that has been prepared by the Bank Sampah manager.

Plastic waste then sorted by type before cleaning and processing. Armed with skills, plastic waste, which was previously a problem, is transformed into a variety of interesting and economic handicrafts.

Head of Torok Hamlet Aik Belek, Nurul Fatoni said the waste recycling initiative had been running for more than a year. This initiative started with tourists complaining about the rubbish on the beach. Several youths then proposed the formation of the Bank Sampah Torok Raya.

Rubbish collected from the beach cleaning

Initially, the recycling process was carried out by burning. However, with the consideration of the air pollution, the garbage has finally been turned into various crafts such as bags, ropes, and other souvenirs that have been bought by many tourists.

Unexpectedly, said Fatoni, PT. Invest Indonesian Islands, one of the investors in the Torok Aik Belek area who provided equipment assistance. Currently, the Bank Sampah Torok Raya can buy a chopping machine.

Now, plastic bottles and others can be processed into garbage powder. “Many people want to buy, but we wait a bit,” said Fatoni at his home.

Even in the near future, the Bank Sampah Torok Ray will be able to produce plates, pots, glasses, chess pieces and various other plastic items. “The machine has been ordered, in the next few weeks it will be ready for production.

Ladies from Bank Sampah Torok Raya doing recycling from plastic waste

As for garbage, it is not only from the Torok Aik Belek area, but also from neighboring villages. The garbage sold by residents is priced at Rp. 2,000 per kilogram. However, the proceeds from the sale will be saved and given to residents in the form of basic foodstuffs according to the amount of their savings.

There are ten permanent employees and work from morning to evening. Meanwhile, the work wage of around Rp. 250 thousand / week is also provided in the form of basic necessities. “The impact is very big. At least it can cover daily needs, ”he explained.

He further explained that this waste recycling business had already been visited by the District and Provincial Environmental Services (LH). Unfortunately so far there has not been any assistance provided.

In the future, he hopes that the government will pay attention to the existence of a waste recycling business in its area. Because after all this effort has had a huge impact on the Zero Waste program initiated by the NTB Provincial Government.

“We been asked to make the program successful, but when it is our turn to asked for help, it is a bit hard to get.” . Frankly, we really hope the governor can visit Torok Aik Belek, ”said Fatoni.

The young Kadus also invited other villagers, especially in the southern region, to be able to take the positive side of the existence of waste, which is still a problem in NTB.

“Environmental cleanliness is our collective responsibility. So we will continue to strive for the success of government programs and helping the community, “he concluded.

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